$90/A513 60 RTS Will return somewhere crazy $90/A512 28 PLP This messes up the stack! The intial value of A no longer matters at this point. $90/A4BD A5 8F LDA $8F Controller button pressed this frame! That makes this a promising avenue for exploits. What happens depends on the direction the beam was fired in, as well as the controller input for that frame, and lots of other stuff on the instruction pointer's wild romp through the ROM. This is half-way through some other function, which due to an extra PLP instruction fails to return properly, leading to the function failing to return properly, and almost certainly leading to a crash. Jumps to $90a4aa (ROM) (but only if not fired to the left. The minimum distance required to charge the spark using this technique is 157.668 pixels. PAL - press forward for 3 frames, release for one frame, 4 more, release, 3 more, release, 2 more, release, 3 more, release (3-4-3-2-3-).
#Super metroid randomizer bomb jump full
The minimum distance required to charge the spark using this technique is 163.1875 pixels (164.1875 to full stop). NTSC - press forward for 3 frames, release for one frame, 4 more, release, 4 more, release, 4 more, release, 2 more, then without releasing forward in between press forward+run for 3 frames, and lastly release forward but keep holding run for 1 more frame before pressing forward+run on frame 25 (3-4-4-4-2+3B).Samus will be able to achieve the first level of boost in almost no distance at all, and from there the technique is the same. This is done by releasing the forward button following a certain pattern. The distance can be made even shorter by using a type of "stutter-walk" during the first 24 frames (NTSC) / 20 frames (PAL).