It has little shade, however, so be prepared and remember that when snorkelling in this climate it is always prudent to do so wearing a T-shirt or a light wetsuit to save the skin on your shoulders and back. Sandy Island and its surrounding reef is particularly beautiful and perfect for snorkelling. Water taxis can be chartered at the Hardwood Bar to take you to the outlying islands. The trees at the back of the beach offer a degree of shade and there are a number of bars and eateries selling refreshments as well as meals with all the trimmings. With colourfully painted fishing boats and water taxis bobbing sedately offshore, the image is one of serenity and relaxation. As it is protected, the bay attracts very few waves and little current.

The water is turquoise and shallow along the shore making it ideal for families with young children. The beach is white sand with a backdrop of sea almond and grape trees along with the occasional manchineel. Locals come here to bathe and have picnics, and private taxis often drop day-trippers here. Though no beach in Carriacou is ever crowded, in fact most are usually completely deserted, Paradise is conceivably the most popular and where you will actually see other people at play. L’Esterre’s primary attraction is the stunning Paradise Beach that fringes L’Esterre Bay. Paradise is the most popular of Carriacou’s beaches © Celia Sorhaindo